

Good luck to Jeff

Today we have got a perfect quarter from AMZN.

And at the same time, a very much shocking news to the whole world, Jeff is leaving.

There are a lot of comments from different parties.

Some may argue that he doesn't treat employees well.

Some may argue that he keeps evading taxes.

To be honest, I have zero knowledge of the background and whether these kinds of claims are true or not.

But the only feeling that I would like to express is お疲れ様でした。

Being one of the investors in the day back in 2016, he and his company have been generating more than satisfactory return for us.

This company has changed our lifestyle completely and I couldn't remember how we did live and shop before the arrival of AMZN.

And I couldn't imagine how I will be living if AMZN is gone one day.

Despite the controversy they have, I believe they have already done many good to the economy and society which shouldn't be ignored.

Now Jeff is gone, but the spirit that Jeff brings to us will stay deep inside the company and the culture.

And I would like to express the most sincere wish to whatever the journey that he has ahead.

 Good luck!